Chessable Roundup – June 2023

It’s time again for the Chessable Roundup – the monthly blog post that keeps you abreast of all that’s new at Chessable.

We’re heading into summer – and everyone at Chessable has been working hard over the last month to get a whole bunch of courses released, with a more inclusive catalog than ever – you can find courses on all sorts of topics and for any level these days.

But we’re not the only ones working hard – one author released an instant hit course, which is selling like hotcakes at the moment.

In addition, we’ve got a new course by a popular streamer, a tactics course for beginners, and a guide for keeping your cool when it comes to calculating.

Check them out:

By IM Alex Banzea

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This course has been one of the most highly anticipated courses to hit Chessable, and when it hit the shelves, we couldn’t believe the clamor for it. It broke the record for number of copies sold in one day.

Coming from an author who wrote the 2022 Course of the Year as well as the Best Opening Course for White, The Caro-Kann Simplified by IM Alex Banzea is a compact and sturdy way to show you how to win with the Caro-Kann.

Inside, Banzea presents innovations and clear ideas that apply to most variations in just over 150 trainables.

By GM Ben Finegold

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This course was another that Chessablers have been looking forward to, as it marks the debut course for popular streamer Ben Finegold.

Players looking to improve often seek out Finegold’s instructive YouTube content, and now he applies the same educational value to his first course, Starting Out with 1.d4.

The course is perfect for any player looking to get their feet wet with the Queen’s Pawn Opening. It’s based on Finegold’s personal tournament repertoire. Avoiding complications, you learn how to play 1.d4 simply and effectively.

By GM Arturs Neiksans

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Many players dread studying the opening because they fear it will take up too much of their time. That’s not the case with the 100 Repertoires series. This series allows you to learn the ins and outs of an opening in 100 lines or less.

GM Arturs Neiksans is one of the latest to contribute to this series with a repertoire on the King’s Indian Attack. It’s a great option for anyone looking for something they can play against virtually everything Black throws at them. Your king stays safe yet your kingside is mobilized and ready to pounce at any moment.

By GM Jon Ludvig Hammer

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GM Jon Ludvig Hammer has launched his recommended repertoire on one of the most classic responses to 1.d4, the Nimzo-Indian Defense.

But this isn’t just a rehash of old theory – The 3x Norwegian champion updates the Nimzo with 15 years of improvements. It’s a timeless opening suitable for the modern repertoire.

Hammer is a bonafide openings expert, evidenced by him having worked as Magnus Carlsen’s main second. He’s also got some serious pizzazz as a presenter being a regular commentator on events, and this infectious presentation is ever-present in this course.

By FM Martin Kreuzer

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Calculation is no doubt an essential part of chess improvement. FIDE Master and Correspondence Grandmaster Martin Kreuzer teaches you how to improve your calculation and visualization, all while keeping calm under pressure.

And he does so by peppering in bits of chess history to make it not only educational but highly entertaining as well.

By WFM Laura Smith

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If you want to uncomplicate things and win more games, then this course by WFM Laura Smith gives you a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

You will improve your decision-making, both in terms of quality and speed, and you will learn to develop a mental checklist before each move, one that will accompany you throughout your entire chess career.

This is just a taste of what’s new at Chessable this month. To check out all the new releases be sure to head on over to the site to see the full catalog.

See you for next month’s Roundup.

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