Why Engine Correlation doesn't work - The "most incriminating" evidence against Hans Niemann refuted

Why Engine Correlation doesn’t work – The “most incriminating” evidence against Hans Niemann refuted

A relatively recent video by Yosha was widely used as incriminating evidence against Hans Niemann. In this video we show why Engine Correlation is a flawed metric and how it can easily be manipulated. Engine correlation was used in various…

Niemann vs Aronian | Can you move the same piece twice in the opening and still win in 21 moves?

Niemann vs Aronian | Can you move the same piece twice in the opening and still win in 21 moves?

Hans Niemann takes on Levon Aronian in the preliminaries. Can Hans get away with moving the same piece twice in the opening but still crush a world-class GM? The Julius Baer Generation Cup is the 7th event of the Meltwater…