“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer”
Bruce Lee
A quick reminder how it works:
- Have a look at the position for 1 minute (watch the clock)
- Think about the choices in front of you and pick the one you feel it is right
- Verify it in your mind the best you can
- Compare it with the solution
This week’s puzzle fits the category really nice. It is from a rapid game played by a friend of mine. Here is what he says about this position and endgame:
“Short of time, I calculated that exchanging rooks would allow my opponent to win my two K-side pawns and win with his f-pawn, so I played Rc5 and eventually lost. What did I overlook, an instructive concept with pawns? After the exchange of rooks, it takes me 11 moves to secure the promotion. On face of it, Black can convert quicker, but can he!?”
Was the above explanation giving away useful tips? If you have recognized the pawn concept my friend mentioned, the puzzle could be considered easy. The first observation is that Ka2 cannot help right away. This means the K-side pawns must survive on their own. Does this ring a bell? The two isolated pawns can survive if they achieve the L-shaped pawn formation. Let’s give it a shot:
Now if Black wants to prevent the L-shaped pawn formation, the K-side pawns survive long enough for their King to arrive in the thick of the battle. This is probably the line Black should choose, hoping that time could run out before checkmate. Calculating the moves in this line should take only a few seconds. Depending how low White is on time, a win is secured. You can also verify if indeed it takes White 11 moves to promote after the rooks’ exchange.
Eugen Demian